Balance · Concept of Time · no regrets · transition

Making the Most of the Time We Have

As you may have guessed, the theme for September is around the concept of time. It is a concept we can all understand because in this fast-paced world, you have to get a lot accomplished each day just to keep up. Along with worrying about having enough time to meet the expectations of our individual… Continue reading Making the Most of the Time We Have

no regrets · transformation · transitions

What needs Transforming in me?

You may be thinking, “hey, it’s the dog days of summer, isn’t transformation a fall kind of a thing?” Yes, transformation feels like the change that happens when kids start school and summer is officially over. But for some, school starts in mid-August and that’s now! So…perfect time to discuss this topic. We all need… Continue reading What needs Transforming in me?

clarity · discovery · personal development

What’s Stopping You?

It’s been said that our thoughts determine our feelings and action and what we think we can do. I love it when I find the fears I had were wrong and I decided to push through, regardless of what “they” were telling me. How often do you find yourself doing the same and having an… Continue reading What’s Stopping You?

discovery · inspiration · Self-discovery

“…I Had the Power All Along” (Wizard of Oz)

Do you remember at the end of the movie that Dorothy hears this quote and she clicks her shoes and ends up back home? I love that part! What I love best is the sense of empowerment she has once she realizes it. We can all take that quote to heart and look for areas… Continue reading “…I Had the Power All Along” (Wizard of Oz)

discovery · no regrets · organization · personal development

January is a time for a New Start

We are halfway through the first month of a new decade and I wanted to check in to see how everyone is doing so far. I have been dedicating this month to organizing a new learning plan for myself. I believe there is new growth  that comes about as a result of exposing myself to… Continue reading January is a time for a New Start

no regrets · resolutions

Wrapping Up 2019

It is still hard to realize that another year is about to pass us by. Before we let it go and get all excited about a new year, its a good idea to take a few minutes to reflect on the overall year. Take time (or a pen and paper) and jot down: What did… Continue reading Wrapping Up 2019

Christmas · clarity · no regrets


Take a minute and go backward in your mind to Christmas’ past and collect all the special memories you can remember about that time. What meant the most to you? The gifts The food The family and friends gathered together So now fast forward to the next few days and decide how you want to… Continue reading Memories

Concept of Time · no regrets · transition

Do I Have All The Time I Need?

It seems that whenever I talk with people, the issue of time seems to be peppered in the conversation. They mention how the summer just flew by, or comment on how time is just going so fast! Do you feel that way too? I know that I often do! I was writing a to do… Continue reading Do I Have All The Time I Need?

no regrets

What is the process for a Transformational makeover?

Ever go to the cosmetic’s counter of a Department store and have them apply makeup in the such a way that when you look in the mirror you are instantly transformed? I love that feeling!! The same often happens when I get a new hairstyle — someone with expertise takes my everyday normal hairstyle, and… Continue reading What is the process for a Transformational makeover?

clarity · personal development · transformation

Why do these areas in my life need transformation?

Simple answer: because there are the areas that aren’t working right. They are broken or unfinished or not fitting into the plan or life that we wish for ourselves. These areas are different for everyone — maybe we have a thing with being on time and find we are constantly late for meetings and appointments.… Continue reading Why do these areas in my life need transformation?

motivation · no regrets · transition

What Feels Like Freedom to You?

It’s mid-July and we just celebrated the 4th of July and our country’s freedom. Now it’s time to think about what freedom means for each of us. Do you have thoughts and feelings of being trapped? Maybe in the sense that you believe your situation will continue to stay the same for, who knows, how… Continue reading What Feels Like Freedom to You?